Own Release Notes Q2 2024


    Recover, Salesforce, ServiceNow, Microsoft


    We have updated the compare functionality making it even easier to compare data across selected backups. Read more here.

    New Audit Role

    We’ve added a new role type called 'Audit Log Viewer' that will only have the ability to see/view Audit logs.

    Pause Backup Service

    You can now easily pause a backup service rather than the common practices of archiving the service or revoking authorization tokens to free up resources for other important jobs.

    Recover, ServiceNow

    Cross-Instance Restore 

    You can now backup data in one instance (e.g. Production) and restore the data to a different instance (e.g. Dev or Test). Providing the ability to restore data in a sub-prod instance before restoring directly to production.

    Archive & Accelerate, Salesforce, ServiceNow

    Stand alone applications: Tabs associated with Recover and Replicate are removed for customers who only have Accelerate and Archive,  providing a more seamless experience.

    Accelerate, Salesforce

    Seed Knowledge Articles

    Admins can now create seeding templates and include Knowledge articles as well. Streamlining the process to prepare sandboxes for development or training with fewer additional steps after seeding a sandbox.

    Accelerate ServiceNow 

    Anonymize Seed Data

    Mask sensitive data before seeding it to sub-prod instances.  Seed Production data and create the ideal development, test, and training environments without creating the risk of exposing confidential or sensitive data.


    Right to Be Forgotten (RTBF)

    SDK Improvements: Comply with "Right of Access", “Right to Rectification” and "Right to Forget" requests related to GDPR by purging archived records via SDK.

    • Peace of mind thanks to faster processing speeds & improved visibility via the Console

    Archive Console

    Full Capabilities in the Activities tab offers parity with the Archive package.

    May 2024


    Support Queues within Salesforce Share Objects:

    Ability to filter by queues within the sharing object, offering greater control over which users have access to specific records. Support Queues offers Admins peace of mind that they’ve successfully restricted access to data as needed. This is achieved through Queues: Users allocated to different groups will have their access to records restricted based on how their groups are allocated records

    Archive Console

    View Policies from the Archive Console

    View policies across orgs from the Archive Console. 

    Recover, Salesforce, ServiceNow, Microsoft

    Bring Your Own Key Vault (BYOKV)

    Easily submit Azure Key Vault details via Own Recover, enabling customers using Azure to manage encryption keys for the Own Recover application. 

    New Restore Screen

    The new restore process is much easier, enabling executing the restore job in a shorter amount of time.

    Recover, Microsoft

    Recover for Microsoft Dynamics is now ‘Recover for Microsoft Dynamics CRM and Power Apps'

    Server-2-Server Authentication

    Allows you to run backup and restore jobs as an ‘Application User’. Set up is done in your Power Platform and Dynamics CRM environment.  Admins can apply company policies for external apps accessing their data to Recover for Dynamics CRM and Power Apps. 

    Accelerate, Salesforce

    Seed from Backup

    Seeding from a backup means that you're able to get data from a specific point in time. As long as there is a backup of that data, Accelerate will now be able to grab data from a particular point in time.

    Levels Template Hierarchical Preview

    You can now visualize the seed data hierarchy and make changes, creating more confidence in the seed data and ensuring it has the right objects before seeding. 

    Filtered Anonymization

    Anonymize a specific subset of records and save time running the anonymization job. Gain more control over what is being anonymized, for example apply different types of anonymization to match different locales .


    Security Insights Read Only User

    Read-only access to Security Insights for Infosec/Audit/Compliance teams. Expanding Secure usage gives key stakeholders direct access to important risk information, reducing the need for high-level permissions and lowering security risks. This direct access cuts down extra work for administrators and helps faster decisioning, improving overall efficiency.

    June 2024

    Archive Package 21

    Wideget Search Layout

    Define the Widget Search Layout directly from the Settings tab, just like the Archive Search Layout, eliminating the need to set up from the Policy Preview tab.

    Lookup as cascade delete and Boost

    Available per policy,

    Widget Restriction Sharing Rules

    Apply sharing rules to the Archive Widget Restrictions that support Queues and Roles  

    Archive Console

    The Console policy builder capabilities now surpass the Archive Managed Package.

    You can still create and run policies from the Package, but the Console now provides:

    1. A detailed view of the data schema, showing direct lookup child objects associated with the sObject that are eligible for archiving in the policy. 

    2. The option to select which of these objects to include in the archive operation.

    3. Insight into the master-detail object relationships that are auto-archived.

    *To take advantage of these features, Archive Managed Package #21 must be installed.

    Recover, Salesforce, ServiceNow, Microsoft

    Export to S3 Enhancements 

    Includes Schema files 

    • New option to include a CSV file per exported object/table describing the schema, including: field name, field type, and field size

    • Includes metadata information of the exported objects/tables from Own Recover to S3

    • This feature can be used as the source of truth for customer data pipeline and reduces their Salesforce API consumption.

    • Available for Manual and Scheduled Exports to S3

    • Summary Results File

      • New CSV file per export describing the results summary with a list of all exported objects.


    Data Classification Advanced Filtering Templates

    Accelerate risk and compliance requirements for data classification

    • Fast, prescriptive & repeatable data classification  

    • Create, save and load custom & out of the box prescriptive advanced filter templates to jumpstart your classification

    Who Sees What User Compare

    Effortlessly Compare User Permissions with Full CRUD in a Single View

    • Single view with filtering & side-by-side compare reducing time spent on user permission issues 

    • High Risk Permission Access insight adds a flip when a permission is selected. Flip will show profile or permission set names that are assigned the permission

    • Objects Open to Deletion insight adds a flip when an object is selected.  The type (profile or permission set), the internal user count, and the external user estimate.  Flip information is exportable from the insight

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