Security Insights Errors and Timeout Issues in Secure

    This article covers methods to resolve errors and timeout issues within the Security Insights (SI) tab. To use the following settings, a new Batch Configuration must be created, or edit an existing one. If any options shown are missing, the page layout for Batch Configuration must be edited.


    Fill Rates Enabled

    If you are running into timeout or heap size errors during the Fill Rates process, uncheck this option.


    Field Exposure Batch User Access Rows

    This option controls the amount of User Access rows that are processed for a Field Exposure Batch job. Lowering this value may remedy CPU timeout errors, especially with larger Orgs.



    This option controls the batch size during an SI Analysis job. Raising this value allows the batch to run faster while lowering the value may remedy errors encountered during an analysis job.



    This option controls the batch size during an SI Analysis job. Decreasing this value may remedy heap size and CPU timeout errors encountered during an analysis job.



    Create Batch Configuration Custom Metadata in Secure

    Batch Configuration Page Layout Editor for Secure

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