How to Work with Business Units

    A Business Unit is an organization or organizational subset that is independent with regards to one or more Production organizations. They are flexible structural devices that you can use to segregate data access based on how a business is organized.

    Within the service, a Business Unit is defined as an independent group of Services and Users. Each user has its own role within each Business Unit.

    • Adding a Business Unit
      • For more information, see here.
      • For a video demonstrating how to create a business unit, see here.
    • Adding a User to a Business Unit
      • For more information, see here.
      • For a video demonstrating how to add a user to another business unit, see here.
    • Moving a Service from One Business Unit to Another
      • For more information, see here.
      • For a video demonstrating how to move a service from one business unit to another, see here.


    Q.Why is the Master Admin not showing in any of my Business Units?

    A. Master Admin can access everything in your account, as such, they cannot be members of specific Business Units.

    Q. Why can’t a User see any Services?

    A. Check that they are a member of at least one Business Unit containing at least one Service. If the user is a member of a Business Unit, the user may not see a service that is marked as containing production data if his or her role is ‘Developer’.

    Q. Why can’t a User see a specific Service?

    A. Check that they are included as a member of the Business Unit(s) containing the Services you wish them to see. If the User is a member of a Business Unit, the user may not see a Service that is marked as containing production data if his or her role is ‘Developer’.

    Q. Why Can’t I find a User when trying to add them to a Business Unit?

    A. They may already be a member of this Business Unit or the user does not exist in your account.

    Q. Why Can’t I see the ‘Account Settings’ page?

    A. Only the Master Admin and Admins can access the ‘Account Settings’ page. If a user is an Admin of at least one Business Unit, he will be able to access the ‘Account Settings” page.

    Q. Why Can’t I see the entire Job history?

    A. Each user will only see the Job history for Services the user is allowed to view Business Units of which they are a member.

    Q. Why are Services missing in the dropdown when trying to Compare/Find/Replicate?

    A. Each user will only see Services they are allowed to view under Business Units of which they are a member. For example, a Developer user role will not see a service containing production data.

    Q. Why can't I add more than the default Business Unit?

    Business Units are part of the Unlimited and above plans. If you are on a plan such as Trial or Enterprise, the maximum amount of Business Units is set to 1.

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